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Sieg Heil, Mein Sheikh

The revolution in Egypt is coming to an end. The democratic process is running at full speed towards reforms. And reforms can’t be accomplished without an explosion of new political parties. What kind of parties are we talking about? How about the Egyptian Nazi Party. Interview with the founders HERE. The presenter does a little Heil Hitler for us too. Nothing to worry about though. They are only adopting the positive aspects of the Nazi Party. Yes it has positive aspects. Like “The supremacy of the Egyptian race. That’s our number one goal”, or “I am not hostile towards all the Jews. I am hostile towards the Zionist entity” and of course “We want to build an Egyptian nuclear reactor”. A slight preference for the pure Egyptian race, but no trains filled with second class citizens heading to the Pyramid extermination camps. The Jews are safe as long as the Arab people rule the world. The nuclear reactor will not power gas tombs but will only light up the illuminated swastika hieroglyphics. The noble Egyptian breed will be graced with a people’s camel to pack the wide concrete highways the party wants to introduce. HERE some excerpts from the Dream1 TV talk show.